We are always blown away by our amazing community and their awesome contributions!
Our Champion, Raimundo Santos, recently published many videos in Portuguese on his YouTube channel. These videos range fom highlighting Camunda products, like how to download and install Camunda 7, to trending topics like ChatGPT.
Do you remember the Camunda Carbon Reductor project we mentioned last month? It lets you shift process execution times to reduce carbon emissions and use clean energy while fulfilling SLAs. The talented developers built and released a custom Connector for Camunda 8 and a service task template for Camunda 7.
We want to hear from you! Share feedback on our product to help us improve through design and development. Fill out this form and our UX researcher will be in touch to schedule a session with you. Participants will receive cool Camunda swag.
Meet the Camunda Chapter Leaders. These enthusiastic community members host regular meet-ups for like-minded people to discuss the industry's latest developments, including Camunda's product contributions. Thank you for all you do to bring us together, both in-person and virtually–and sometimes even both!Thank you for everything you do!
Here are some upcoming events we are looking forward to:
- Karlsruhe-Ettlingen (DE) [virtual]: RPA with Camunda Connectors on March 28. Sign up here.
- WarsawNürnberg (DE) [virtual]: Field report: Cora-X, the digital onboarding process for corporate customers of LBBW on March 29. Sign up here.
- Hamburg (DE) [in-person]: Surviving the hyperautomation low code bubble on May 2. Camunda's own Bernd Ruecker is a guest speaker at this event - don't miss it! Sign up here.